CSGO-Buynds is an open-source web-app for generating buy binds for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO).
Buy binds, also known as buy scripts, are commands for the Counter-Strike PC games that allow quick, 1-button purchasing of weapons and equipment.
Check out the csgo-buynds repo on GitHub to see the code!
This project was started for several reasons:
Along with allowing you to configure multiple key binds at once, there are other unique features planned for CSGO-Buynds:
The CSGO-Buynds Buy Binds Generator was made for all of the CS:GO PC players out there who don't want to use the clunky radial menu for purchasing their weapons and equipment. The online tool is simple enough for anybody to use yet powerful enough to build highly customized binds. Everyone from noobs to Pros will enjoy being able to create easily-accessible loadouts. Don't get caught fumbling in the CS:GO buy menu. Never be the last player out of spawn again!
The creator of CSGO-Buynds is Jesse Webb (a.k.a. Gweebz), a long time player of the Counter-Strike series.
The csgo-buynds project uses Git for version control. The repository is hosted by GitHub.
The website is hosted on GitHub Pages. It does not use Jekyll.
The main branch,
, is where stable releases are deployed to.
Development should be done on the dev
Pull requests are welcomed!
The code is pure HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. There is nothing to compile.
Here is a list of which 3rd party libraries are being used:
Tests are written with Jasmine (version: 2.5.2).
npm install
npm test(The project is configured to use Karma (version: 1.3.0) to run the tests.)
Continuous integration is performed with Travis CI.
Jesse's preferred JavaScript IDE is JetBrain's WebStorm.